About Our Products
Why is it for the barn?
For the past 20 years, I have traveled the country chasing my dream photographing horses and their owners. I absolutely LOVE what I do. I also love to see other people moved and inspired by the images I make. And a great many of my prints are displayed in homes and businesses across the country. I also have seen folks display them in their barns — which I love — but which can also be a challenge.
Barns are dirty — and although I believe a little dirt is healthy in everyone's life, it is not friendly to artwork. Even sealed, framed prints behind glass can get messed up. Plus, they are hard to clean and glass breaks (never a good thing!). Over the years, I've tried a ton of different options: vinyl banners, which work but aren't as pretty; foam core; plexiglass, etc. Until I stumbled on a product that works perfectly! It's called Sinatra, and it let's the beauty of my photos sing while still remaining durable and cleanable.
Sinatra is semi-rigid 3/16" thick and prints in a beautiful range of colors, perfect for my imagery. It also lets you wipe it clean and it stands up to the interior of a barn without the need for glass or plexiglass to protect it. Heck, you don't even have to have a frame! Just order your print with grommets and you can hang it using a wire or rope. Of course, it looks awesome framed as well!
Although it's tough, Sinatra is not invincible. I do not recommend you put your prints outside. If you want to display outdoors, or in an area of your barn that either gets a lot of moisture or blowing dirt, I'd recommend a vinyl banner (which we sell as well).
Sinatra is also a perfect material to decorate your kennel, shop, office, home, porch, greenhouse, sun porch, feed store, pet shop ... ANYWHERE!
In addition to Sinatra and vinyl, you can also have one of our images put on a dry erase board. Just think of it: you can get rid of that cheesy kitchen or office dry erase board and put up a horsey or ag one instead! I do recommend that you frame your dry erase board as it's printed on a thinner sheet of stock than the Sinatra and will bend easily. Once in a frame, however, it performs beautifully. Again, you do not need to put it under glass (which would defeat the purpose actually).
And since you asked, yes, we do custom orders, sizes and more. But you will need to call me directly at 888.395.9615 to talk about the details and prices.
If you want to know more about the images and how they're made (including some photography tips), visit the Every Picture Tells a Story blog.
Thanks for stopping by! ~Kimberly Beer, Photographer